Who Are My Favorite Authors?

We all have those authors that we will read every book that they put out into the world. You know those authors that we wish would notice us when we rave about their books and tag them in every picture that we post about their book. Or is that just me? Anyways, here are my top 5 authors that I will immediately pick up any book they write.

Tiffany D. Jackson

Tiffany D. Jackson - The Author Village

This should come as no surprise because I talk about her literally all the time. Whenever I can mention her novels in a conversation, I absolutely do it. She has such a talent and her characters are some of the best you will find in the YA genre. My favorite novel that she has written is Monday’s Not Coming, which shocks absolutely no one.

Other books she has written are Let Me Hear A Rhyme, Allegedly, Grown, and many more to come.

E. Lockhart

About — E. Lockhart

Lockhart has been one of my favorite authors since I was younger. I have read so many of her novels and am absolutely obsessed with all of them. With intricate characters that just blow your minds and the many feminist themes throughout her work, Lockhart has a true talent to create lasting stories that will stand the test of time. My favorite book by her is We Were Liars, which is quite a controversial pick.

Other books she has written are Genuine Fraud, The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau Banks, Fly On the Wall and so many more.

Jacqueline Woodson

Jacqueline Woodson Went From Writing on Paper Bags to Making Books – Emily  Quiles

I wish that I would have started reading Woodson’s work when I was younger instead of finding her beautiful books just last year. Woodson has an eye for beauty and a true talent for writing. She takes seemingly normal characters and makes them characters that you have to hold onto for the rest of your life. In every book that I have read by Woodson, I have been just completely hypnotized by the simple beauty of it. The words string together perfectly to make your heart stunned but often times completely shattered. My favorite book by Woodson is hands down If You Come Softly, this also should surprise absolutely no one because it was my favorite book of last year.

Other books Woodson has written are Harbor Me, Before The Ever After, Brown Girl Dreaming, Behind You and so many more that I am excited to read them all.

Amanda Lovelace

National Poetry Month: Highlight on Amanda Lovelace – Taft Tribune

Lovelace knows the perfect words to connect with each reader. The poetry collections that Lovelace has put out (yes, I have read every single one but one) are all so beautifully written and have so much to offer. Although I have connected with some more than others. My favorite collection is The Witch Doesn’t Burn in This One, which is the second poetry collection in the Women are magic series.

Other books by Amanda Lovelace are The Princess Saves Herself In This One, To Drink Coffee With Ghosts, Shine Your Icy Crown and a few more other collections that you have to check out.

Benjamin Alire Saenz

Benjamin Alire Sáenz - Wikipedia

If you want your heart broken and warmed at the same time, Benjamin Alire Saenz is a perfect author for you. Every time I read one of his books I am completely transported into a whole other world. Saenz has some of the best writing that you will find in the YA genre and some impeccable storytelling. Each character he creates is absolutely stunning and beautifully flawed which makes them so real. My favorite book by him is definitely a toss up between the two books I have read by him but the winner has to be The Inexplicable Logic of My Life.

Other books by him are Aristotle and Dante Discover the Universe, Last Time I Sang To The Monster, He Forgot to Say Goodbye and a lot more that I was unaware of and will be getting my hands on immediately to have my heart warmed and broken.


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