Be a Guest at The White Lotus

The White Lotus has been the talk of the internet for a few months now and I finally decided to see what all the hype was about. Season one was alright, it was a bit dry for me, but I could understand the intrigue of being a fly on the wall of these rich people and their problems. It also helped that there was a death that is revealed in the season opener.

Picture from HBO

For me, the real star of the show was season two and not only because Theo James whips out his dick in the first episode. Both seasons of The White Lotus create a beautiful portrayal of what it is like to live rich with an empty mind. It brings to light the bubbles and realities that the rich elite have created for themselves so they don’t have to feel so bad about throwing away their money on lavish things and colonized land while the rest of the world is crumbling.

To penetrate these bubbles, both seasons have characters that challenge the realities and try to counter the elite’s behaviors on the world. Although these challenges are often times set aside for more cliché conversations like “isn’t this weather nice?” or “I love that top.” The lack of substance can be a bit annoying at times, but I found season two to have a bit more depth to it. There was a lot of talk about surface level beauty, what lengths women must go to for their voices to be heard, and the power structures between a husband and wife.

Picture from Cosmopolitan

Season two opens with a folk tale about a man who was beheaded for cheating on his wife. This folk tale looms over the guests and viewers as the season carries on. From camera work focusing in on the beheaded man to eerie music, The White Lotus is anything but calming.

The major intrigues of this show is the eeriness of the situations surrounding such dull conversations. While guests might just be talking about the boring days of laying by the pool, there are secrets hiding between the words and fake facades beginning to crumble. If you are looking for a show that is quite actually a train wreck that you cannot turn away from, The White Lotus is for you. It has the perfect balance of social commentary and humor along with just the elite nature of the rich.

The White Lotus season two proves that bro code actually just breeds more lies, the rich just want to get richer and that you can’t always trust what your friends and lovers tell you. There are secrets everywhere and I, for one, cannot wait to set sail, drink my overpriced mimosa and watch the elitist fall apart at our next stay at The White Lotus.

Picture from HBO


One response to “Be a Guest at The White Lotus”

  1. What I Watched in January – Reed My Life Avatar

    […] If you would like my full review on this series, click here! […]


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