September Reading Wrap-Up

I am officially out of my reading slump thanks to some really good and easy reads in September! I may have primarily read graphic novels in September, but it has refueled me and I am now a reading machine. I want to devour every book I see and I am hoping this feelings lasts forever!

So without further ado, here are all the books I ended up reading in September.

Kaleidoscope by Brian Selznick

I have absolutely no idea what I just read but it was absolutely stunning!

This chaotic novel of seeming disconnected tales is a beautifully complete tale of grief, love, and the ways in which we cope. James is a true treasure of a character and we have the honor of seeing him in many forms.

I may not have completely understood what was happening in this collection of stories but I felt this story in my soul.

Kaleidoscope is a beautiful collection of stories about two boys trying to reach each other again after tragedy strikes. Their love is so strong that not even the universe or reality can keep them apart for too long. This is not a linear story by any means and most people will probably not enjoy this book, but for me, although very confusing at times, it broke my heart.

You will be taken on a journey and find beautiful ways of coping, grieving and loving those around you. You will understand the choices the world and universe offers you. These stories may be just as fragmented as my heart was after reading this book, but they all somehow come together to tell the story of two kids so in love that not even the universe can stop them from finding each other again, no matter the form they may take.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

The Love Report by BeKa

This was a very cute graphic novel that spoke on the many ways in which love can be fragile, heartbreaking, violent as well as one of the greatest feelings you will ever experience.

Love Report should be a must-read for young readers as they begin to find themselves having crushes, and having relationships. This novel will be able to help kids know what is healthy and what is not and guide them through the treacherous paths of love.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

The Tea Dragon Society by Kay O’Neill

This was so cute!

I’ve been hearing about this graphic novel series for such a long time, and I finally was able to get my hands on it. The Tea Dragon Society is not only beautiful to look at, but the story itself is stunning!

We get to be taken on the journey of Greta discovering the orgins of Blacksmithing and The Tea Dragon Society and watch her help rebuild the Society.

I was giddy with excitement for this story, but the adorable Tea Dragons sure did make me want to continue reading this series even more!

Rating: 4 out of 5.

A Study in Emerald by Neil Gaiman

This is a very Agatha Christie-esque short story that combines the masterful worlds of H.P. Lovecraft and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock.

There is something about Neil Gaiman’s writing that is so simple yet so entrancing. The way he can string sentences together and make you fully believe you are within the mystery is refreshing and although this was written in 2004, I truly believe that it is one of the best short stories out there and has stood the test of time. Even with all of the classic mystery stories that are being published currently, there is something so special about the way that Gaiman is able to write a mystery that intrigues you, shocks you and makes you fall in love with characters in a matter of less than 100 pages.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich by Deya Muniz

The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich is one of the most quirky and cutest graphic novels I’ve ever read! It gave me the same serotonin boost as The Prince and the Dressmaker.

I love the dynamic between Cam and Brie as well as all of their friends. This graphic novel has some of the best character chemistry I have read in a while. The entire story line is beautifully done and shows that love is love and pushing back on the life you were told you had to live is a lesson to all of us who have struggled with our sexuality, and gender identity. It’s okay to decide to choose yourself and your happiness over what others might think.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

When We Were Bright and Beautiful by Jillian Medoff

When We Were Bright and Beautiful is about the complexity of family and how far you will go to not only protect the ones you love but how long you will stand in unity.

Money, power, and privilege are put to the test in this courtroom drama that asks the world who should we believe and who is actually on trial in a rape case.

The main character, Cassie, is a bit pretentious at first and seems to be a rapist-apologizer when it comes to her brother but she soon realizes that maybe she was in the wrong and begins to think for herself without being swayed by any of her family members.

Along with a rape trial there is also a grooming plotline that is quite repulsive especially when a grown ass man tells a 15-year-old that he was groomed by her to make himself feel better is absolutely disgusting. I do believe that although it is difficult to read that Jillian Medoff has done a phenomenal job showing what a true sexual grooming situation can be like and the way in which you are alienated by a person.

I can’t say I loved this book, but I was intrigued by the trial and the Quinn family. At times, this trial had a lot of victim blaming as well as talk that brought up the way women are perceived and how older men were chosen as jurors simply because it was okay to touch women whenever they wanted to back in the day, These things did rub me the wrong way. I am fully aware that this is how the patriarchy has built our justice system, but it still repulses me.

Overall, this novel speaks deeply to the ways we hold mothers responsible even for actions made by the father and the never-ending pressure that women are forced to hold all the weight of the actions made by men.

I wouldn’t say this is a book for everyone as it has a slower pace and tackles some very hard hitting topics, but if you like courtroom dramas or Law & Order, this could be your exact cup of tea!

Rating: 3 out of 5.


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