Tag: book blog

  • June Reading Wrap-Up

    June Reading Wrap-Up

    June was one of the best reading months I have had in a very long time. In May, I read some phenomenal books but June only gave me books that became new favorites or books that I just genuinely enjoyed. I fell head over heels for a lot of these books that I am currently…

  • January Reading Wrap-Up

    January Reading Wrap-Up

    The new reading year has begun and I wish I could share that I read all the books, but sadly, I entered into a reading slump not long after the new year began. I did make sure to be very intentional in the very first book I read in 2023 and it paid off! It…

  • The Best Books I Have Read in 2022 So Far

    The Best Books I Have Read in 2022 So Far

    We are officially halfway through 2022 and I am a bit stressed by how fast this year is going. I am a little behind on my reading goal, but I am determined to get back on track this summer. At this moment in time, I have read 38 books of the 100 I plan to…

  • Books That Will Make You Sob

    Books That Will Make You Sob

    If you follow my Bookstagram then you probably have seen me bawling over a book quite a few times. The books that make me cry are always some of my favorite books so I thought I would make a list of cry worthy books just in time for sad girl November. These are the books…

  • Spooky Season Recs

    Spooky Season Recs

    Well, if there was ever a time to come back to this blog after a couple months away, it would be for spooky season! I wanted to give you all an amazing list of some of my favorite books that are perfect for the season of scares. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn Genre: Domestic Thriller…

  • Top 5 Books By Black Authors

    Top 5 Books By Black Authors

    Considering that it is Black History Month, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite books by black authors. Although, I will be highlighting books by black authors all year round. Reading books by black authors should not be exclusive to February. You should actively be reading books by an array of…

  • February Recommendations

    February Recommendations

    I have read so many books and just want to showcase some amazing books that I think everyone should read. My personal taste in books varies in genre but I will forewarn you that if you are looking for fantasy recommendations, look to another blog. The books I recommend each month won’t be based on…

  • January Library Haul #2

    January Library Haul #2

    As I do not have much self-control when I go to the library, I am already back with another library haul. This time I have a lot larger stack, so grab a coffee and enjoy! Again Again by E. Lockhart Summary After a near-fatal family catastrophe and an unexpected romantic upheaval, Adelaide Buchwald finds herself…

  • TBR Knockout Readathon TBR

    TBR Knockout Readathon TBR

    Over the past couple of years since I joined Bookstagram, I have realized that I am very bad at weekly/monthly readathons. I just never succeed in them so a few of the BookTubers that I watch are hosting year-long readathons where you read one or two books a month based on prompts. I thought that…

  • My Most Anticipated Books of 2021

    My Most Anticipated Books of 2021

    I’m not huge on anticipating new releases. I really am someone who just reads what I want when I want. If it’s a new release cool, if it is a backlist title, which is most of the time, then that is cool too. Although I still like to do my top 5 most anticipated books…