Tag: reading

  • Mid-Year Reading Check-In

    Mid-Year Reading Check-In

    Somehow we have made it to the halfway point in the year. I feel like I have whiplash from how fast this year has been going. To be a basic book girlie, I must do this check-in to let ya’ll know how my reading year is going thus far. I had a slow start to…

  • The Perfect Spring Book Doesn’t Exist….Or Does It?

    The Perfect Spring Book Doesn’t Exist….Or Does It?

    I believe that the cusp between Spring time and summer is when everyone’s reading picks up. It’s when work, school and life in general begins to slow down. Well for a lot of us. Personally, I seem to hit my best reading stride around May and considering I have not read much the last few…

  • Spooky Season Recs

    Spooky Season Recs

    Well, if there was ever a time to come back to this blog after a couple months away, it would be for spooky season! I wanted to give you all an amazing list of some of my favorite books that are perfect for the season of scares. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn Genre: Domestic Thriller…

  • April Recommendations

    April Recommendations

    It is time for another recommendation post! Here are five books that I think are pretty perfect novels and are good reads no matter if you read them this month or any other month. This is My America by Kim Johnson “Hundred years, and we still ain’t American to them, T. All that blood. We…

  • Books I Want To Devour This Spring

    Books I Want To Devour This Spring

    Spring is the season for contemporaries, at least for me. I love a good contemporary all year round, but spring just makes me want to devour them all. So here are some of the books that I want to devour this spring. Hold Still by Nina LaCour Summary: Devastating, hopeful, hopeless, playful . . .…

  • All The Books I Read in February

    All The Books I Read in February

    February was definitely not my best reading month. I had trouble with sticking to my TBR, which isn’t the end of the world, but I also read a lot of average books. Near the end of the month, I read some pretty good novels, but overall it was a 3 star type of month. Even…

  • Buzzwordathon TBR

    Buzzwordathon TBR

    As I said in my TBR Knockout post, I am participating in two year-long readathons. Buzzwordathon is the second one. I have heard so much about this readathon over the years and thought that this year was the perfect year to participate. I love the prompts for each month because I easily found books to…

  • Standout Novels That I Read in 2020

    Standout Novels That I Read in 2020

    2020 was a hard year for everyone. I am just glad I love reading because that is the only thing that got me through this past year. Although I read quite a bit of duds in 2020, I also read some books that I want to reread over and over again and books that I…

  • My Top 5 Most Anticipated Reads

    I am not a reader who gets excited about too many upcoming books. I will add them to my Goodreads “want to read” list if they sound interesting, but I’ll eventually get to them. I don’t have to read them the moment they come out. This year is a little different. There are a few…